About Me

Celeste-tina is a Royal Conservatory of Music trained pianist and music teacher.  She holds a B.A. in Music and Drama from Trinity Western University and an M.A. in Arts Education from Simon Fraser University as well as numerous teaching certificates.  She is a long-time member of the British Columbia Registered Music Teacher’s Association and regularly contributes to Progressions, the provincial magazine for registered music teachers.

Music is my passion

An enthusiastic, highly qualified, experienced (44 years of teaching and counting!) music educator, Celeste-tina currently teaches 55 piano, guitar, and voice students in her private, spacious studio in Chilliwack.  She enjoys teaching students from ages four to adult and people of all abilities, both individually and in groups.  She counts it a blessing to be able to share her love of music with so many and can’t wait to get back into the studio every Monday morning to begin another fun-filled week of music making. 

Celeste-tina Hernandez






(778) 808-1830

Follow Me

Monday:       9am–8:30pm
Tuesday:       9am–9pm
Wednesday: 9am–9pm
Thursday:     9am–9pm
Friday:           9am–8pm
Saturday:      9am–8pm
Sunday:         Closed


Monte Vista Dr.
Chilliwack, BC V2R 5T2